Environmental Grant Scheme

Environmental Grant Scheme

Harborough District Council declared a Climate Emergency in July 2019.

Harborough District Council has adopted the Climate Emergency Action Plan 2022 - 2030. To support this plan, the council have developed a grant scheme that will invest up to £450,000 in local, environmental projects (over four financial years between April 2023 and March 2027).

The Environmental Grant Scheme will encourage communities across the Harborough District to engage in capital projects that will have a positive and provable impact on the environment. The grant scheme is open to any constituted 'not for profit' organisations. This may include, but is not limited to, village/community groups, community enterprises, registered charities, and town/parish councils. Applicants can apply for grants ranging from £5,000 - £20,000.

Before making an application, please ensure that you have read the applicant guidance in full.

What projects can be supported through the scheme?

Successful applicants must demonstrate a clear public benefit and a positive, proven impact on the environment, aligning with one or more of the following outcomes:

  • Reduce the carbon footprint of the community.
  • Reduce the waste produced in the community.
  • Create, or protect and enhance, biodiversity or environmental assets such as green spaces and waterways.
  • Educate and/or raise awareness of climate change that will result in one of the above outcomes.

The following are examples of activities which may be eligible for funding:

  • Community energy schemes e.g. solar farms.
  • Community repair or swap scheme.
  • Community farm or garden.
  • Community transport scheme e.g. bike shares, car clubs.
  • Increasing the energy efficiency of community buildings.
  • Creative projects to raise the awareness of climate change.

Eligibility Criteria

For the full eligibility criteria, please read Section 3 of the applicant guidance.

How to apply

Applications must be made via the www.grantapproval.co.uk website. If you have not used this system before, you will need to register for an account. Once you are registered and logged onto the system, select 'Harborough' as your local authority and click 'find schemes'. The title of the fund in the online system is 'HDC – Environmental Grant Scheme'. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that they provide the correct and accurate information the first time.

We expect to reopen the environmental grant scheme on 3 March 2025. Information about the grant, and how to apply, will be promoted by the Council through its communication channels.

If you have any questions, please email communitygrants@harborough.gov.uk.