Sustainable Harborough Community and Sustainable Harborough Trust have been at the forefront of the environmental movement in Market Harborough and the wider District since 2007.

They work together with the many environmental and sustainability groups and projects that exist across our district forming a network, supporting groups and individuals, maintaining a local 'green voice' and encouraging new ideas and projects. They aim to foster good working relations with the local authorities, to highlight and publicise local issues and activities.

The radical changes forced into effect by the pandemic, has revealed for Sustainable Harborough that 'returning to normal' is not an option, and significant changes are required to recover from the current climate and ecological crises.

Through their website, Sustainable Harborough provide local information about steps that businesses, groups and individuals can take to become more sustainable.

The Harborough Green Directory (a free online directory) celebrates businesses and organisations who offer services or products with green credentials.

Whether that is:

  • to bring your own packaging for refills,
  • purchase locally sourced products
  • recycle old items,
  • or installation of solar panels

The directory aims to gather together and celebrate all the green wonders that Harborough District has to offer. It currently represents over 60 businesses and organisations in and around Market Harborough, and their 12 Months of Action campaign has drawn further attention to specific green services available from some of these businesses. You can add your business here.